Lumen Christi
A very Blessed Easter from the Carmelite Sisters! Pictures from Holy Week in Carmel. Read More….
A very Blessed Easter from the Carmelite Sisters! Pictures from Holy Week in Carmel. Read More….
Septuagesima, though not well known, is an important preparatory Liturgical season for Lent, the season of the examination of conscience. Knowing ourselves better, our sins and where they come from, we are more equipped to do battle and conquer our faults during Lent.
In WEBSITE NEWS we review once again the important of good spiritual reading during this time of penance and share some book reviews from our other customers. We have a new relic badge dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and briefly discuss the history behind this image and devotion.
In WEBSITE NEWS we review once again the important of good spiritual reading during this time of penance and share some book reviews from our other customers. We have a new relic badge dedicated to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and briefly discuss the history behind this image and devotion. Read More….
“We should remember that Lent is not an isolated personal affair of our own. The Church avails herself of the whole of the mystery of redemption. Each year, following Christ its Head, the whole Christian people takes up with renewed effort its struggle against evil, against Satan and the sinful man that each one of us bears within himself, in order at Easter to draw new life from the very springs of divine life and to continue its progress towards heaven.” What can we do to fully profit from the immense graces offered to us during Lent? What penances have been recommended?
We focus in particular on a devotion given to us by the Blessed Mother, the Stations of the Cross. We discuss the history of this devotion and how to practice it well. “ There is no practice more profitable for the entire sanctification of the soul than the frequent meditation of the sufferings of Jesus Christ.” - Saint Alphonsus de Liguori
We also study the life of St. Andrew Corsini, a virtually unknown Carmelite Saint, whose Feast Day is around this time.
In WEBSITE NEWS we look at the history and symbolism behind the Pardon Crucifix, a sacramental that was loved and promoted by St. Pius X. We also have several suggestions for good Lenten spiritual reading.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we document the arrival of our latest member, a mischievous and energetic german shepherd puppy names Zelie. We also finished our latest vestment project just in time for the Feast of the Purification. Read More….
Once again it is the season of Lent, and we have again taken up the Christian warfare against sin in and around us. The true Christian always has the answer to the question, "Why do we suffer?" And closely related to that question, especially during Lent, is, "Why must we do penance?" The questions remain at the heart of many sorrowful, confused lives - and they are answered by the most sound, consoling responses, all rooted in the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Saints and the holy friends of God give us the key to understanding suffering.
In WEBSITE NEWS we look at the history behind and symbolism contained in the St. Benedict Medals. It is the only medal blessed by the Church with a special exorcism and is very powerful against the devil! Holy water is also a very powerful weapon against temptations, and we briefly discuss its significance, especially in light of the upcoming feast of Easter. Our Lenten newsletters also always contain suggestions for good Lenten spiritual reading.
A beautiful vest in honor of St. Joseph, complete with green velvet and intricate embroidery, is finally finished. We share some of the adventures with you in our COMMUNITY NEWS section, along with an important discovery we made for the Lenten Carmelite diet, fava beans! Read More….
Our letter to you during the holy season of Lent will be brief—and only to lend a little encouragement to persevere with prayerful peace in your Lenten observance. May that sorrow of our Savior break our hearts—and convert them, accomplishing all that the Lord wills in each of our souls. Read More….
But before Carmel's yet deeper retreat from the world during these Holy Forty Days, we pass onto you a few lessons the Church offers her children to guide them through this time. "No Lent," the St. Andrew Missal instructs, "is worthy of the name without a personal effort of self-reformation, of leading a life more in accordance with God's commands and an attempt by some kind of voluntary self-denial to make reparation for past negligence.
A wonderful Carmelite Saint who faithfully followed the Savior's example in mortification was St. Teresa Margaret of the Divine Heart.
In WEBSITE NEWS we have expanded our cord rosary options.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we continue our Liturgical sewing work. We also comment on St. Teresa’s words: “God save us from sad-faced saints!” Read More….
Let us offer a few reflections about the season of Lent. Our favorite words from the opening of the Holy Forty Days still ring in our ears and hearts: "Be converted to Me with all your heart!" The beautiful phrase finds its echo in the "great commandment" of charity: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind and with all thy strength." We have just recently celebrated two great feast days, the Feast of St. Joseph and the Feast of the Assumption. Both days contain beautiful and important lessons!
In WEBSITE NEWS we give suggestions for good Lenten reading.
Text In COMMUNITY NEWS we have been completing to large vestment sets, our first to be fully digitized and embroidered by the Sisters right here in the Monastery. The first set, complete with cope, was for Ash Wednesday, the second Solemn set is for Christmas. The Novices are also preparing for the taking of their vows this coming year. Read More….
We break our customary silence during this season of Lent at the request of many of you for some bit of news, and especially a little spiritual “uplift”! Lent is like a retreat and, for all the faithful, a season of reflection and prayerful examination of conscience. It is also just a few days before the feast of beloved St. Joseph, or as Our Holy Mother St. Teresa called him, “The Glorious St. Joseph.”
In WEBSITE NEWS we give gift suggestions for upcoming First Communions.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we are preparing for the final profession of one of our novices and working on vestments. Read More….
Thus saith the Lord: “Be converted to me with all your heart.” Let us hearken to the call. Remember that this holy season is not one of gloom and sadness—but it is indeed one of healthy sorrow for sin. Examining our hearts and knowing our sins, considering more carefully our motives behind what we do all day long and what we say, noticing more readily what we fail to do that we could have and should have done... Are these not sensible ways of keeping a sound mind and vigorous soul for God?
In WEBSITE NEWS we recommend good reading to help you with your Lenten devotions, such as confession and stations of the cross.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we have spent some time perfecting cord rosaries, which we will adding to our website, as well as repairing old vestments. Read More….
God’s Blessings to all during this holy time of Lent. Although our news will be brief because of the Lenten silence and discipline, we wanted to reach you with what we hope will be instructive, edifying, and helpful counsels for spending this holiest of seasons fruitfully.
In WEBSITE NEWS we have recommendations for good Lenten reading.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we celebrate the final profession of one of our novices, and look forward to the clothing of another one of our novices later this month. Read More….