St. Therese As She Was
As September draws to a close, Carmelites all over the world recall with fraternal love and admiration the generous life and holy death of St. Therese of Lisieux, "The Little Flower". But as we know and have remarked in a past newsletter, St. Therese can be misunderstood. The Way of Spiritual Childhood, as she called her "Little Way," has often been mistaken to mean childishness. Another misinterpretation of St. Therese has tried to place her in the defiant age of the mid-twentieth century, and has thus construed odd notions about what she wrote and said about herself. We do our best to describe St. Therese as she was and what really defined her spirituality.
In WEBSITE NEWS we recommend some excellent books on St. Therese.
In COMMUNITY NEWS we have been keeping busy with canning and autumn gardening, as well as vestment repairs. Read More….